Friday, May 29, 2009

Real life advice for moms by moms

Hey Mommies!

There is a new website to help mommies learn as they go from real life moms just like you and me, it is called Mamapedia

What is Mamapedia about?

About Mamapedia™

Questions and parenting go hand in hand. From the moment you discover you’re pregnant and wonder "what should I be eating?" to the day your child packs for college and asks "how much spending money will I need?" you’re constantly in need of advice. And there’s no one better to get it from than the ultimate experts: other moms.

This, in a nutshell, is why Mamapedia exists.

Mamapedia is your lifeline to millions of moms who’ve shared their real-world wisdom through local Mamasource online communities over the past two years. We compiled their answers, organized them by stage, and made them instantly searchable. We invite you to bookmark Mamapedia to find answers in a pinch, and to join your local Mamasource community so you can share what you’ve learned on your journey. And don't miss Mamapedia’s ever-expanding range of topics, including household, money, health, relationships, and many other things that moms are talking about.

Parenting is a learn-as-you-go job. So is running a company. We welcome your feedback about Mamapedia and Mamasource.

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