Evenflo has a new and Improved Breastpump
yea its a take on the old one they already have out but the folks at Evenflo have listened to your imput and decided the Comfort performance pump needed to be updated. So here is a list of the improvements/changes they made to the pump to make it better: New for 2009
Improved cycle time from 38 to 57cpm (60cpm is the accepted norm for a suckling baby)
Vacuum performance is consistently near the maximum of 250mmHG. Productive vacuum at all settings between min and max.
Regulated power adapter provides more consistent vacuum levels and cycle rate throughout range
Dual performance – 2 individual pumps for better production allowing individual settings and overall increased vacuum capacity
More stable bottle stand to prevent possible spillage
All components are BPA free and contain less than 0.01% phthalates
ISO Compliance and International symbols on pump allow retail in Canada
Upgraded corporate packaging that is WHO code compliant and more appealing to Mom
Aesthetics improvement – color schemes are more appealing (lavender)
the information link http://www.evenflo.com/category.aspx?id=2
Wow I wish I was still breastfeeding so I can try this out myself. But check it out Guys and Gals, Evenflo gave me two breast pumps and 4 boxes of breast pads to give away to my readers so here is what I want to do, I will give two readers each a Breastpump and two boxes of the breast pads. Just leave me a comment to let me know you want in this drawing. Easy? Yea super duper easy! And also check out Mom Central because without them I would not be able to give these awesome gifts away:

I will give you guys until May 10th to enter the drawing by Midnight PST then I will notify the winner by May 13th via email so keep an eye out for my email saying You WON A BREASTPUMP YAY