Friday, July 9, 2010

Shamu and you walk thermometer

So i bet you were wondering about my Shamu and you walk thermometer on the right side of my page

Well here is the thing: 

last year a friend of ours baby had suffered major head trauma while in daycare and was in the hospital for months.  That hospital saved our friends baby seriously.  i do not want to comment too much about it because i want to respect our friends privacy.  However, we are doing the walk because it is a casue we believe in and we want to help out Rady's Childrens hospital San Diego anyway we can and we were asked to participate by our friend and we are on their team which makes it even sweeter.  So please donate or do a virtual walk to even post a link to my blog on your blog so others can help the cause.  for more info on the Shamu and you walk just click on my thermometer and you can read more

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